Lee Hua, Boon Yu, Lee Hua, Lee Lein, Lay Gaik and Lay Gaik. They are daughters and son to the above name mommy according to their standing position from left to right. :)

The kids with different pose... It was so tiring and exhausted to take photo for this group of kids with average age of 3 +.
Baby Celine and Lee Hua
Baby Sin Ming, newborn baby to Boon Yu

I loved this series of photo very much as mommy and Lee Hua ee ee where close friend for more than 20 years, and it looks like our friendship continued to our next generation. Celest and QY were holding hand in hand while walking to Baskin Rosbin. They even chatted with each others like "This one can go... this one cannot go" when they see the door of the shop is closed. :)
This is another CNY gathering with daddy's friends and colleagues at Day 7 of CNY. QY got to meet up with few friends from 6 ages old to 8 months ago. Among all, she mixed well with the 6 ages old boy.